About us
Stitched has been around since the start of Classic WoW in 2019, and is a mix of people from different guilds in retail coming together and creating a community in Classic. We have consistently cleared all current content prior to any nerfs every raid tier from Molten Core to Naxxramas in Classic, SWP in TBC Classic and onwards in Wrath of the Lich king and will continue to do so moving forward. We moved from Dreadmist PvP some time during AQ40, and have enjoyed life on Pyrewood Village ever since.
In Stitched we like to focus more on the social aspects of raiding in a fun and friendly environment. Having said that, we do expect raiders to play their strongest spec for their class and perform to the best of their ability. We try to raid efficiently, avoid silly mistakes and generally not faff around, all while keeping a friendly atmosphere in raids. We firmly believe that no-one performs better by being yelled at constantly. To keep as small a roster as possible, we expect our raiders to be able to make it to at least 90% of our raids.
We operate a loot council based loot system using RCLC, using That's My Bis and our own internal tracking to make sure loot is distributed fairly and evenly.
For any questions, don't hesitate to contact any of our officers in-game: Mightyrigo, Noizz, Tilliana or Koppardeamon
Les informations de contact doivent être définies
Stitched joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 7 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
Dim | 18:30 | 3h 30m |
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Chargement des données...
Stitched ne recrute pas pour le moment.
N'importe quel
Pour quelles activités Stitched recrute-t-il?
Pas encore défini
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Stitched?