Not Prepared is an all throughout TBC/WotLK guild going into ICC with the intent of clearing all content in a timely manner and reward people according to their investment and performance.
Currently now in Phase 4 we're doing 12/12 HC. We have a fairly large roster of main people but are always accepting new excellent players. We use Loot Council with a tweaked version of the EPGP system.
We play 21:00-23:30 Server Time on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, but expect people to be okay with going overtime for 10 minutes.
Interested? You can apply here! Questions? Add Weewoowagon on Discord!
Weewoowagon on Discord
Not Prepared joue 3 fois par semaine pour un total de 7h 30m.
Day | Start | Duration |
Lun | 20:00 | 2h 30m |
Mer | 20:00 | 2h 30m |
Jeu | 20:00 | 2h 30m |
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Not Prepared ne recrute pas pour le moment.
Pour quelles activités Not Prepared recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Not Prepared?