LITERALLY SHAKlNG is a guild whose members are focused on clearing content in a progression environment where we improve our performance each week as we progress through raids. We are all adults who play for personal enjoyment and have a (mostly) great sense of humor. There may be times where constructive criticism is given and as adults, understand that the information is coming from a place of mutual respect intended to improve the raid as a whole unit. We value consistent, reliable, and communicative adults who intend to raid with the team on a long-term basis. We understand that everyone has real life responsibilities outside of WoW and as long as you're willing and able to dedicate your time to improve while being respectful of everyone's time and effort in the process, you are welcome here!
If you are not available for BOTH Friday/Saturday raid days and for the full raid schedule time-frame, you will be considered a Casual / Social member for raiding purposes.
Loot Council via the RCLootCouncil Classic addon and is used for loot distribution and management. This addon is REQUIRED to raid. Raider input on items up for consideration in addition to Raider performance and attendance will serve as a guide for our Loot Council Raid Leaders to review for 25-man loot in order to determine the most reasonable benefit to the raid as a whole.
• Be respectful - plain and simple
• Be accountable for yourself and your actions
• Be prepared for the raid
• Understand your class/role within the raid
If you are interested in applying to our core raid team, please read through the apply-here channel for more information.
Les informations de contact doivent être définies
Aucun horaire n'a été défini.
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
N'importe quel
Pour quelles activités LITERALLY SHAKlNG recrute-t-il?
Pas encore défini
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans LITERALLY SHAKlNG?