Night Owl: Semi HC Late Night Guild
Raid Times: Tue/Wed 8-12pst.
Current Roster Wants Holy Pal Hunter Pumper DPS (exceptional players, spec/class not relevant) Pumper Healer (exceptional players, spec/class not relevant)
Culture: Everyone in our raid vibes well with a certain level of common sense and late night degeneracy. Though we are late night progress is the name of the game, we go into all tiers of content at launch time, and push for clean/efficient clears once the content is defeated. Guild hoppers/loot whores/toxic personalities/large ego'd mid players need not apply.
We want enthusiastic players who want to push themselves and enjoy playing often. Come be part of the strongest community on Whitemane!
Recruitment Contacts Discord: Sherkon
Get Carried - Night Owl joue 2 fois par semaine pour un total de 8 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mer | 03:00 | 4 heures |
Jeu | 03:00 | 4 heures |
Ces données sont basées sur les rapports récents de Get Carried - Night Owl.
Get Carried - Night Owl recrute!
Raids, Donjons
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