Essence is a time-limited Alliance 25-man weekly guild on Pyrewood EU that exists to enjoy fully clearing all available content while raiding twice a week. That's it, plain and simple. Despite the core being a collection of players who have known each since WOD on retail, we remain inviting and welcome new players to our midst who wish to partake on these runs on a weekly basis.
What can you expect from us:
Raid Schedule
Interested? Reach out to alexander2680 on discord and lets have a chat about how you can join. As we only raid twice a week, we do want close to 100% attendance.
Essencé joue 1 fois par semaine pour un total de 3 heures.
Day | Start | Duration |
Mar | 19:00 | 3 heures |
Aucun rapport assez récent n'a pu être trouvé pour générer une composition.
Essencé recrute!
Pour quelles activités Essencé recrute-t-il?
Quelle est la langue principale utilisée dans Essencé?